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W9CR info site
This is a small collection of stuff about hacking various radios. Right now it's mostly about the Quantar series of radios.
I expect to have some info on the AstroTac receiver and Comparators as well.
I've added some details on the PDR3500 Transportable Repeater too.
- Categories - A listing of all categories on this wiki
- Information on the MTR2000 repeater I've messed with a while back. These are a "Quantar-lite", and kinda suck. I've recently added how to update them to the latest firmware.
- There is some information on the Uniden MRS904 repeater converting it for amateur use.
- Motorola Waris modifications and tech info. This covers the entire Waris line, HT/CDM/Pro/GP/GM/MTM700/EX/PR/CP
- Motorola R2001A/B/C/D communication service monitor information and manuals
- Hamtronics 220 repeater notes
- Telewave antenna patterns for radio mobile.
- XTS 2500 notes on programing for the 900 MHz Ham band.
- XTL Radio info on the XTL 2500/5000 mobile radios
- EF_Johnson some notes and programing info on the EF Johnson 5100 and 5300 radios
- Yaesu FT-51 Info on modification and service manual
- Kenwood Service Manuals - Kenwood service manuals I've scanned
- Kenwood Manual Category
- Yaesu Category
- Harris Falcon
- DMR IDs - Thoughts on the ham DMR ID fiasco.
- Trasnmitter Combiners - notes on transmitter combiners I've worked with and general theory.
- 2020 Ram 1500 Eco Diesel Radio Install - Work in progress about how I installed radios in my truck.
- BreezeACCESS FHSS radios - work in progress about how to repurpose the BreezeCOM/Alvarion BreezeACCESS II/900/V radios and convert the SU to AU. This was the top of the line wireless ISP gear circa 1998-2004.
- Astro Saber/XTS/Spectra category and notes
- Motorola Saber Radio category
- Transmitter Fingerprinting Info on various Transmitter Fingerprinting Implementations.
- QST November 2023 Furry Fandom Cover idiocy
- ARRL Logbook of The World (LOTW) Cyberattack notes
- Cisco 3945 Notes on changing fans to be quieter
- HamWAN remote, a way to link into HamWAN Tampa via VPN using cheap routers.
- Inmarsat Docs Found online
- dahdi_dummy for AllStarLink 1.01 and HamVoIP theft of code.
- Information about the take over of AllStarLink, Inc.
Todd Lesser
- Todd Lesser of San Diego, CA and his company North County Communication, Inc. is known to engage in fraudulent telecom billing via his sex chat lines. Has several judgements against him and and his companies in California and West Virginia. His company has also lost a case in New York and was denied a petition for review by the US Supreme Court.
Documents and Standards
- TEOTWAWKI - This might be useful for regular and irregular forces.
Useful Links
- Total pages on this wiki: 3,404
- Total articles on this wiki: 50
- Total files on this wiki: 2,951
- Total edits of this wiki: 9,623