Junos Clue

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Some helpful things on junos

Junos filter BGP RIB routes based on prefix list

You need to add 'keep none' to the filter

set protocols bgp group eBGP-to-peer-v6 keep none

Shell Commands

start shell on the box

start shell 

use curl to get a file, but disable tcp keep alives which causes issues

curl -6 --interface 2607:f138:0:2::5 --no-keepalive --connect-timeout 5 -vv -o /dev/null http://ubuntu-mirror-2.ps6.canonical.com/ubuntu/ls-lR.gz
curl -4 --no-keepalive --connect-timeout 5 -vv -o /dev/null http://ubuntu-mirror-2.ps6.canonical.com/ubuntu/ls-lR.gz