2019-08-25 AllStarLink Board Meeting Minutes

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ASL Board Meeting Minutes

2019.08.25 – Dave Shaw

Meeting called to order @ 08:48 PDT

Meeting adjourned @ 09:33 PDT

Board members


Tim Sawyer TS

Dave Shaw DSTodd Lesser TL

Kevin Custer KC

Mike Wolthuis MW

Pete Elke PE


  1. Official Actions
    1. Adoption of 2019.08.18 Board meeting minutes.
      1. PE motion to accept, KC seconded. motion carried
  1. Admin group report (MW) (no update)
  1. Software/Services for non-profits
    1. SLACK update (complete)
    2. Google (no update) (create a new account allstarlinkinc@gmail.com)
    3. PayPal (Todd, no update)
    4. 2019.08.25 Mike posted link on SLACK (DS to set up account)
  1. Treasurer's report: (DS)
    1. PayPal balance: $2,132.92 (2019.08.18) (not updated 2019.08.25)
    2. Bank balance $463.71 (2019.07.14) not including NFOservers debit
    3. TL suggested we need to increase donations.
      1. What are our reserves
      2. What are our monthly expenses
        1. Hosting
        2. Insurance
        3. Legal/accounting
        4. Misc
      3. What is the donation run rate
    4. DS to work up an initial budget mid August (no update).
    5. Need a donation form letter for end of year (target issuing in mid-January) DS has action.
    6. TL requested updating the web page with our non-profit status on web page. (TS complete)
    7. 2019.08.25 received invoice from Bryan, DS to reimburse.
  1. Repack (KC) (2019.08.25 KC no update)
    1. CM119B issue, KC received formal application notes.
    2. KC has identified a new developer who has offered to work on code necessary for re-pack for CM119B chip. TS suggested moving forward with work on existing code base.
  2. app_rpt mailman list shutdown
    1. Proposal to shutdown mailman app_rpt list.
      1. Revisit shutdown of app_rpt mail list scheduled for 2019.08.25
      2. Draft of shutdown notice complete
  3. Who had access to critical services. (no update)
    1. Moving forward requesting that minimum of two admins (Mike & Stacy) have access.
      1. PE & TL will work with Mike to cleanup service contact list.
    2. Copyright discussion
  4. New Business
    1. TS: Send out letter asking for help? Board agreed to move forward

PE Motion to close the meeting, TS seconded, motion carried.